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Убедиться в преимуществах элитной дизайнерской мебели можно открыв каталог салона интерьеров Линия , предлагающего именно такие модели https://www.legnostyle.ru/catalog/mebel/d1-1.html
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Самые читаемые записи
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Tiny house with elaborate – and erotic – frescoes unearthed at Pompeii
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Archaeologists have uncovered a tiny house in Pompeii that is filled with elaborate – and sometimes erotic – frescoes, further revealing the ornate way in which Romans decorated their homes.
Situated in the central district of the ancient city, the house is smaller than normal and unusually lacks the open central courtyard – known as an atrium – that is typical of Roman architecture, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, which oversees the site, said in a statement Thursday.
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This change could have occurred due to shifting trends in Roman - and particularly Pompeian - society, during the first century AD, archaeologists said.
Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 when its buildings and thousands of inhabitants were buried beneath layers of ash and pumice. This coating perfectly preserved the city for millennia, making it one of the most important archaeological sites in the world as it offers an unprecedented insight into Roman daily life.
This latest discovery spotlights the ornate decorations that rich Romans enjoyed in their homes – several frescoes depict mythical scenes and others are decorated with plant and animal motifs on a white background.
One small square painting set against a blue-painted wall depicts intercourse between a satyr and a nymph, while another shows Hippolytus, son of the mythical Greek king Theseus, and his stepmother Phaedra who fell in love with him before killing herself when he rejected her in disgust.
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Archaeologists have uncovered a tiny house in Pompeii that is filled with elaborate – and sometimes erotic – frescoes, further revealing the ornate way in which Romans decorated their homes.
Situated in the central district of the ancient city, the house is smaller than normal and unusually lacks the open central courtyard – known as an atrium – that is typical of Roman architecture, the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, which oversees the site, said in a statement Thursday.
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This change could have occurred due to shifting trends in Roman - and particularly Pompeian - society, during the first century AD, archaeologists said.
Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 when its buildings and thousands of inhabitants were buried beneath layers of ash and pumice. This coating perfectly preserved the city for millennia, making it one of the most important archaeological sites in the world as it offers an unprecedented insight into Roman daily life.
This latest discovery spotlights the ornate decorations that rich Romans enjoyed in their homes – several frescoes depict mythical scenes and others are decorated with plant and animal motifs on a white background.
One small square painting set against a blue-painted wall depicts intercourse between a satyr and a nymph, while another shows Hippolytus, son of the mythical Greek king Theseus, and his stepmother Phaedra who fell in love with him before killing herself when he rejected her in disgust.
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Для покупателей из других регионов возможна доставка транспортной компанией https://акваторг24.рф/armatura-zapornaya/krany-sharovye-dlya-santehnicheskih-priborov/ventil-troynik-tim-bytovoy-1-2-3-4-1-2-hrom-art-bl5838/
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Jacob Delafon (Франция); Gustavsberg (Швеция); FBS (Чехия); IDDIS (Россия); Kaldewei (Германия) и многих других https://акваторг24.рф/armatura-izmeritelnaya-i-komplektuyuschie/page/2/
He served with the US Army in Iraq. Now he’s one of Asia’s top chefs and a Netflix ‘Culinary Class Wars’ judge
Площадка кракен
From a warzone in Iraq to a Michelin-starred kitchen and a hit Netflix show, chef Sung Anh’s path to the top of Asia’s fine dining scene has been anything but ordinary.
“Just like I did in the US Army, where I volunteered to go to the war, wanting to do something different — I decided to come here to Korea to try something different,” says the Korean-American chef and judge on hit reality cooking show “Culinary Class Wars,” which has just been green-lit for a second season.
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Sung, 42, is the head chef and owner of South Korea’s only three-Michelin-starred restaurant, Mosu Seoul. In recent weeks, he has gained a new legion of fans as the meticulous and straight-talking judge on the new Netflix series. It’s this passion and unwavering drive to forge his own path that’s helped reshape fine dining in his birth home.
Born in Seoul, South Korea’s capital, Sung and his family emigrated to San Diego, California when he was 13.
“We were just a family from Korea, seeking the American Dream,” he says. “As an immigrant family, we didn’t really know English.”
As a teen growing up on the US West Coast, his mind couldn’t have been further from cooking.
“I went to school, got into college, but decided to join the US Army because that’s the only way I thought I could travel,” says the chef.
Over four years of service, he trained in bases across the country, before being deployed to his country of birth, South Korea and — following 9/11 — to the Middle East.
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From a warzone in Iraq to a Michelin-starred kitchen and a hit Netflix show, chef Sung Anh’s path to the top of Asia’s fine dining scene has been anything but ordinary.
“Just like I did in the US Army, where I volunteered to go to the war, wanting to do something different — I decided to come here to Korea to try something different,” says the Korean-American chef and judge on hit reality cooking show “Culinary Class Wars,” which has just been green-lit for a second season.
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Sung, 42, is the head chef and owner of South Korea’s only three-Michelin-starred restaurant, Mosu Seoul. In recent weeks, he has gained a new legion of fans as the meticulous and straight-talking judge on the new Netflix series. It’s this passion and unwavering drive to forge his own path that’s helped reshape fine dining in his birth home.
Born in Seoul, South Korea’s capital, Sung and his family emigrated to San Diego, California when he was 13.
“We were just a family from Korea, seeking the American Dream,” he says. “As an immigrant family, we didn’t really know English.”
As a teen growing up on the US West Coast, his mind couldn’t have been further from cooking.
“I went to school, got into college, but decided to join the US Army because that’s the only way I thought I could travel,” says the chef.
Over four years of service, he trained in bases across the country, before being deployed to his country of birth, South Korea and — following 9/11 — to the Middle East.
Scientists say skeletal remains found in castle well belong to figure from 800-year-old saga
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Researchers have connected the identity of skeletal remains found in a well at Norway’s Sverresborg castle to a passage in a centuries-old Norse text.
The 800-year-old Sverris saga, which follows the story of the real-life King Sverre Sigurdsson, includes the tossing of the body of a dead man — later known as “Well-man” — down a well during a military raid in central Norway in 1197.
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It’s likely, according to the text, that raiders lobbed the body into the well to poison the main water source for locals, but little else is said about the man or who he was in the saga.
Researchers initially uncovered the bones in the castle’s well in 1938, but they were only able to carry out a visual analysis at the time. Now, scientists have an array of analytical techniques at their disposal, including genetic sequencing and radiocarbon dating.
A new study on the remains, published Friday in the Cell Press journal iScience, reveals unprecedented insights into Well-man’s appearance based on in-depth research on samples of his teeth.
“This is the first time that a person described in these historical texts has actually been found,” said study coauthor Michael D. Martin, a professor in the department of natural history at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s University Museum in Trondheim, in a statement.
“There are a lot of these medieval and ancient remains all around Europe, and they’re increasingly being studied using genomic methods.”
The findings not only shed fresh light on what Well-man looked like but also who he was, with a surprising twist about how he ended up in a Norse saga.
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Researchers have connected the identity of skeletal remains found in a well at Norway’s Sverresborg castle to a passage in a centuries-old Norse text.
The 800-year-old Sverris saga, which follows the story of the real-life King Sverre Sigurdsson, includes the tossing of the body of a dead man — later known as “Well-man” — down a well during a military raid in central Norway in 1197.
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It’s likely, according to the text, that raiders lobbed the body into the well to poison the main water source for locals, but little else is said about the man or who he was in the saga.
Researchers initially uncovered the bones in the castle’s well in 1938, but they were only able to carry out a visual analysis at the time. Now, scientists have an array of analytical techniques at their disposal, including genetic sequencing and radiocarbon dating.
A new study on the remains, published Friday in the Cell Press journal iScience, reveals unprecedented insights into Well-man’s appearance based on in-depth research on samples of his teeth.
“This is the first time that a person described in these historical texts has actually been found,” said study coauthor Michael D. Martin, a professor in the department of natural history at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s University Museum in Trondheim, in a statement.
“There are a lot of these medieval and ancient remains all around Europe, and they’re increasingly being studied using genomic methods.”
The findings not only shed fresh light on what Well-man looked like but also who he was, with a surprising twist about how he ended up in a Norse saga.