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Wile, Rob (December 22, 2013.). "prices dogecoin fell on this weekend." Hutchinson, Lee (February 21, https://kamala-harris.io/, 2014). "The Harvard supercomputer cluster has been hacked to release a stupid cryptocurrency."
Wile, Rob (December 22, 2013.). "prices dogecoin fell on this weekend." Hutchinson, Lee (February 21, https://kamala-harris.io/, 2014). "The Harvard supercomputer cluster has been hacked to release a stupid cryptocurrency."
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Алгоритм поиска и проверки контрагентов, согласно письму ФНС России от 30 https://seldon.info/news/vyyavleny-oshibki-zakazchikov-na-torgovykh-ploshchadkakh-2/
11 https://seldon.info/news/elektronnye-tendery-sdelayut-eshche-prozrachnee/
2012 № ЕД-4-3/20268@, включает всего три шага: использование общедоступных электронных сервисов, получение выписки из ЕГРЮЛ со сведениями о контрагенте и запрос документов у потенциального партнера https://seldon.info/news/na-edinoy-ploshchadke-torgov-razreshili-zakupku-importnykh-lekarstv/
Но на каждом из этих этапов могут возникать сложности https://seldon.info/news/prevyshenie-obema-elektronnykh-zakupok-u-msp/
Членство в Торгово-промышленной палате РФ https://seldon.info/news/vyyavleny-oshibki-zakazchikov-na-torgovykh-ploshchadkakh-2/
Интернет-покупателям: регистрация фирмы в ЕГРЮЛ не гарантирует получение товара https://seldon.info/news/bez-podpisi-goskontrakta-pobeditelya-mogut-ne-vklyuchit-v-rnp-2/
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Проверить судебные дела, исполнительные производства, штрафы и недоимки, недостоверность сведений https://seldon.info/news/proverka-makhinatsiy-na-elektronnykh-ploshchadkakh-dlya-torgov/
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11 https://seldon.info/news/elektronnye-tendery-sdelayut-eshche-prozrachnee/
2012 № ЕД-4-3/20268@, включает всего три шага: использование общедоступных электронных сервисов, получение выписки из ЕГРЮЛ со сведениями о контрагенте и запрос документов у потенциального партнера https://seldon.info/news/na-edinoy-ploshchadke-torgov-razreshili-zakupku-importnykh-lekarstv/
Но на каждом из этих этапов могут возникать сложности https://seldon.info/news/prevyshenie-obema-elektronnykh-zakupok-u-msp/
Членство в Торгово-промышленной палате РФ https://seldon.info/news/vyyavleny-oshibki-zakazchikov-na-torgovykh-ploshchadkakh-2/
Интернет-покупателям: регистрация фирмы в ЕГРЮЛ не гарантирует получение товара https://seldon.info/news/bez-podpisi-goskontrakta-pobeditelya-mogut-ne-vklyuchit-v-rnp-2/
Узнайте все о руководителях, деловой репутации, судебных делах, задолженностях, блокировках счетов или банкротстве https://seldon.info/news/smyagchayutsya-trebovaniya-k-bankam-vydayushchim-garantiyu-na-torgovykh-ploshchadkakh/
Проверить судебные дела, исполнительные производства, штрафы и недоимки, недостоверность сведений https://seldon.info/news/proverka-makhinatsiy-na-elektronnykh-ploshchadkakh-dlya-torgov/
Пользуйтесь системой СТАР, без ограничений!
Automatic takeoffs are coming for passenger jets and they’re going to redraw the map of the sky
kra8 cc
In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
kra8 cc
In late 1965, at what’s now London Heathrow airport, a commercial flight coming from Paris made history by being the first to land automatically.
The plane – A Trident 1C operated by BEA, which would later become British Airways – was equipped with a newly developed extension of the autopilot (a system to help guide the plane’s path without manual control) known as “autoland.”
Today, automatic landing systems are installed on most commercial aircraft and improve the safety of landings in difficult weather or poor visibility.
Now, nearly 60 years later, the world’s third largest aircraft manufacturer, Brazil’s Embraer, is introducing a similar technology, but for takeoffs.
Called “E2 Enhanced Take Off System,” after the family of aircraft it’s designed for, the technology would not only improve safety by reducing pilot workload, but it would also improve range and takeoff weight, allowing the planes that use it to travel farther, according to Embraer.
“The system is better than the pilots,” says Patrice London, principal performance engineer at Embraer, who has worked on the project for over a decade. ”That’s because it performs in the same way all the time. If you do 1,000 takeoffs, you will get 1,000 of exactly the same takeoff.”
Embraer, London adds, has already started flight testing, with the aim to get it approved by aviation authorities in 2025, before introducing it from select airports.
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7 simple secrets to eating the Mediterranean way
kra cc
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
kra cc
What if “diet” wasn’t a dirty word?
During Suzy Karadsheh’s childhood in Port Said, Egypt, diet culture was nonexistent.
“My parents emphasized joy at the table, rather than anything else,” Karadsheh said. “I grew up with Mediterranean lifestyle principles that celebrate eating with the seasons, eating mostly whole foods and above all else, sharing.”
But when Karadsheh moved to the United States at age 16, she witnessed people doing detoxes or restricting certain food groups or ingredients. Surrounded by that narrative and an abundance of new foods in her college dining hall, she says she “gained the freshman 31 instead of the freshman 15.” When she returned home to Egypt that summer, “I eased back into eating the Mediterranean food that I grew up with. During the span of about two months, I shed all of that weight without thinking I was ever on a diet.”
To help invite joy back to the table for others — and to keep her family’s culinary heritage alive for her two daughters (now 14 and 22) — Atlanta-based Karadsheh launched The Mediterranean Dish food blog 10 years ago. Quickly, her table started getting filled with more than just her friends and family.
“I started receiving emails from folks whose doctors had prescribed the Mediterranean diet and were seeking approachable recipes,” Karadsheh said. The plant-based eating lifestyle, often rated the world’s best diet, can reduce the risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, dementia, memory loss and depression, according to research. What’s more, the meal plan has been linked to stronger bones, a healthier heart and longer life.
Preparing meals the Mediterranean way, according to Karadsheh, can help you “eat well and live joyfully. To us, ‘diet’ doesn’t mean a list of ‘eat this’ and ‘don’t eat that.’” Instead of omission, Karadsheh focuses on abundance, asking herself, “what can I add to my life through this way of living? More whole foods, vegetables, grains, legumes? Naturally, when you add these good-for-you ingredients, you eat less of what’s not as health-promoting,” she told CNN.
What this high school senior wants adults to know about classroom phone bans
семейная медиация
договор оферты сбербанк
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медиативное соглашение это
When my friends and I walked into homeroom on the first day of school this year, my teacher told all of us to put our phones in a black plastic box on an old desk by the classroom door.
Handing over our phones during class is an official school policy, and my teachers always make this announcement at the beginning of the school year. But teachers would usually forget about the box by third period on the first day, never to be mentioned again by the second day of school. This year, however, the policy stuck that entire first day — and every day since.
I asked my Latin teacher why the school was suddenly getting so strict on phones. It turns out that over the summer most of the teachers had read social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s book “The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.”
Haidt, the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ehtical Leadership at New York University Stern School of Business, argues that a phone-based childhood leads to mentally unhealthy kids who are unprepared for life and, in my Latin teacher’s words, it “really freaked us out.” Teachers were serious about taking our phones now.
It’s not just causing trouble at my school. Some 72% of public high school teachers in the United States say that cell phone distraction among their students is a major problem, according to a study published by the Pew Research Center in April. In high schools that already have cell phone policies, 60% of teachers say that the policies are very or somewhat difficult to enforce, the same study reported.
Several states have passed laws attempting to restrict cell phone use in schools, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed legislation requiring school districts to regulate cell phone use. At least seven of the 20 largest school districts in the nation have either banned phones during the school day or plan to do so.
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юрист по кредитам консультация бесплатно онлайн
сбербанк официальный сайт для юридических лиц
медиативное соглашение это
When my friends and I walked into homeroom on the first day of school this year, my teacher told all of us to put our phones in a black plastic box on an old desk by the classroom door.
Handing over our phones during class is an official school policy, and my teachers always make this announcement at the beginning of the school year. But teachers would usually forget about the box by third period on the first day, never to be mentioned again by the second day of school. This year, however, the policy stuck that entire first day — and every day since.
I asked my Latin teacher why the school was suddenly getting so strict on phones. It turns out that over the summer most of the teachers had read social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s book “The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.”
Haidt, the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ehtical Leadership at New York University Stern School of Business, argues that a phone-based childhood leads to mentally unhealthy kids who are unprepared for life and, in my Latin teacher’s words, it “really freaked us out.” Teachers were serious about taking our phones now.
It’s not just causing trouble at my school. Some 72% of public high school teachers in the United States say that cell phone distraction among their students is a major problem, according to a study published by the Pew Research Center in April. In high schools that already have cell phone policies, 60% of teachers say that the policies are very or somewhat difficult to enforce, the same study reported.
Several states have passed laws attempting to restrict cell phone use in schools, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed legislation requiring school districts to regulate cell phone use. At least seven of the 20 largest school districts in the nation have either banned phones during the school day or plan to do so.
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